
My Culture Night

Create My Culture Night Profile

You can create and add events to your personal Culture Night guide by entering name, email address and an optional password. It's easy - and you can instantly add your favorites to My Culture Night.

What is My Culture Night?

Make sure you do not miss any of your favorite events by creating a personal wish list in My Culture Night. All you need to do is log in. Use the form below.
You add events to your personal list by clicking "+ My Culture Night" when you are on the organizer's event page. Once the list is complete, you can click "send as email" and your personal list will be send to your email- or add “My Culture Night” to the home screen on your smartphone to create a digital program that you can use at any time!

Already have a profile?

If you already have a Culture Night profile on kulturnatten.dk, just log in again with email address and password in the "My Culture Night" field at the bottom of the page.

New user

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