
105. Archaeological Workshop


Archaeologist for one night!
Children of all ages can become archaeologists for one night when we examine the many exiting finds excavated from the soil beneath the city´s streets. Do you think, that the archaeologists find mostly red, yellow, green or blue pottery? Or with stripes, dots or flowers? Can you tell the difference between animal bones from goats, cows, horses and fish? Maybe you need to use the microscope to be able to see it better. So put on the blue gloves and become an archaeologist for one night!

Time: 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Arkæologisk Værksted
Stormgade 20 Stuen
1555 København V

Categories and District
Children 2-5 years
Children 6-12 years
Explore on your own
Try something new
City centre